Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Playing a little worse than break even

I did not want to sound negative with the title. That "little worse than break even" is probably the worst that can happen, or is it? Right now, I really do not know where I stand. I don't know if it's variance or bad play. I hope it's not the latter. I have released $140 of the massive $600 bonus from FullTilt. My current balance stands at $612. I'm technically down $128. Poker sucks when you're losing. Here's a screen shot of my sharkscope.

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Having said all that, I'm not going to give up my grind. Quitting is for wimps and I'm no wimp but I am human, I am having a self-imposed 2-week layoff which started last Friday. No poker for me until the 28th, hmmmm well, it depends :)

So why am I taking a break. Eventhough I do make money (but not in the past 2 weeks) by playing full-time, I had several factors which weighed heavily for my decision. First, I'm officially on tilt for the first time in my poker life. Second, my butt literally hurts. Third, I haven't seen beautiful faces for the past week. Fourth, earning money online is cool, but doing nothing for the past 6-7 months got me burned out.


This was my itinerary last Friday. I went out to buy some stuffs for my girlfriend who is working in a cruise ship somewhere in Europe. Then I went to a barbershop instead of a salon. I could not remember the last time a barber took my hair off. It was definitely before college. I gave myself a new clean-cut boyish look as opposed to a dirty madman look that I'm used to. After my haircut, I had my car washed. A car which hasn't tasted car foam for the last 2 months. Then, while waiting for it to get finished. I called up my buddy: "Yo, let's hit the gym tonight" - a statement I haven't made in 5 longs years. True enough, I hit the gym at 8pm that night and took anything my body can handle. Then, I went home and called it a day. You all know what happened the next morning, I literally rolled out of my bed. It's like my meat is getting grinded everytime I move. Bye gym, see you in the next 5 years.


Update on the stocks I bought: I took OM at .011, price is now .012. I bought GMA at P10.00 and it is now at P9.20. Just like poker, I'm about break even right now.


Damn I really have to end this short post. The moral story of the lesson? Enjoy poker! You treat it as work, it will be like one. You feel like you are good enough, think again. You'll never know when the poker gods will frown upon you. My parting words.. FULLTILT! I'LL BE BACK!

P.S. Today, September 18, is my B-day. Happy birthday to me happy birthday to me!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Just another bad beat post..

Ok, after 154 games at Fulltilt's $11s. I feel like I'm getting totally fucked up by bad luck. I'm down $6.10 which would not mean much. For the first time in my SNG poker grind (2900 games), I had 8 straight games where I had a dominating hand at the bubble and getting sucked out, KK < AK, QQ < some kind of 95, A7 < K7, AA < QQ. There won't be enough space to list them all here. I'm normally a level-headed kind of player. Never in 2900++ games have I ever felt so fucked up than the last 20 games or so and that says a lot. The thing is I'm playing close-to-perfect poker! Maybe just blame it on variance. When variance hits you, there's nothing you can do but wait for the cards to go your way. Enough of the rant now. After all, like what I used to say (type) on tables after getting sucked out, THAT'S POKER!